9:00 A M to 4:00 PM
Monday – Friday

PO Box 247
415 E. Main Street
Hale, MI 48739
PHONE: (989) 728-2811
FAX: (989)218-3051

From our Office

Our goal is to provide you with easy convenient access to information regarding the process of your local government and usage of its services. Furthermore we are committed to treating everyone with dignity and respect. Be sure to check back here often for important information regarding your community.

Newsletter Subscriptions

Thank you for your interest in our community notices. We have set-up three kinds of notices. The first is Weekly or Monthly Digests, the second is Full Post for Specific Newsletters and the final is a Broadcast

A Broadcast Newsletter allows us to send a Special Announcement to all participants at any time. Weekly and Monthly Digests will consist of summaries of the most recent posts. You will need to click Read More to be directed to our township website to read the rest of the article. At the township site you will be able to change this to a more frequent Weekly Digest if you so desire. Simply fill-in the boxes on the right margin of the home page and click subscribe.

You may also subscribe to receive the full post of an item as it is released rather than on a weekly or monthly schedule. These posts may be more frequent but will be real time as they are posted to the website. You can select from Public Notice (meetings, agenda, etc.); Supervisor’s Corner; Gypsy Moth Program and/or Historical Commission. Again, simply fill-in the boxes on the right margin of the home page and click subscribe.

Unsubscribing from all newsletters still leaves you in the database for Broadcast Announcements. If you wish to be removed from the broadcast emails you must contact the Tech Team as shown below.
Any site problems, comments or questions please contact us at the email address shown below.

Tech Team
Dave and Carrie
989-728-3731 Sixty Lakes Net

Please feel free to share and forward this email to any residents of our community that may desire to be In-The-Know about community events and happenings. We will continue to update our Eagle Point facebook page.

Elected Officials

Supervisor –  Fred Lewis
Clerk –  Sue Reilly
Treasurer – Roma J. Bassi
Trustee – Rick Morel
Trustee – Kim Kocher

Contact Us

Weekly or Monthly Digests

Receive a summary of any new posts in one email



Full Post for specific newsletters

You will receive your newsletter the day it is posted

