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Planning and P & R Commission October 11, 2023

Minutes of Plainfield Township Planning and Parks and Recreation Commission
Regular meeting
October 11, 2023

  1. Called to order by Olmstead at 6:30p.m.
  2. Pledge of allegiance was said by all present.
  3. Roll Call:
    a. Present: McDonell, Toth,Houthoofd, Alward, Olmstead, Coleman, Johnson
    b. Absent:
  4. Guest: Junior Member: Savanah Jones, Ready and threemembersof the community, andSpicer representative: Jessica
  5. Approval of Agenda:
    a. Motion by Houthoofd,seconded by Toth to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried byvoice, all ayes.
  6. Approval of Minutes: Motion by Toth, seconded byMcDonell to approve theSeptember 13, 23 minutes with the date corrected. Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
  7. Township board report: Houthoofd – M-65 has new streetlights with LED, received bids for automatic gates at dump. Reason is for county recycling area next to our transfer station. Still a work in progress. Olmstead questioned the status of actionable items that have been requested for township board review and Houthoofd stated those have not been addressed.
  8. ZBA Report: Toth: No meeting
  9. Motion to close regular Business Meeting: Houthoofd seconded by Alward to close meeting at 6:33.
  10. Public Hearing: Jessica addressed the board. Used data to determine what to adjust in plan. Presented updated plan: with priorities and goals for 5 years. Updated census data.
    a. Public Comments:no comments
    b. Commission Comments: names of new members will be added and spelling of names.
    c. Motion by Houthoofd and seconded by Toth to accept Master Plan as presented with name corrections: Roll call vote: All ayes motion carried
    d. Motion by Alward supported by McDonell to close public hearing. Motion passed.
    e. Regular meeting resumed at 6:43
  11. New Business:
    a. Gillespie lot split and combine within the North Londo Shores Sub:Needs a site review to verify that there are no buildings overlapping the lot lines: Motion:Toth and support by Olmstead to accept the lot split after the site inspection by Ready to verify the garage and septic are not on the split lots.Ready will verify the lot lines.Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
    b. Bauser Lot line adjustment Evergreen Glades: changing the lot lines to split lot74. Board is requesting the lots are marked and staked by a survey.
    c. Olmstead asked if Spicer could assist with re-writing the zoning book.
  12. Old Business:
    a. Loon Lake Park Signage and park flyer are ongoing for Kokosing walking park. Tom Loomis created a signdesign for Kokosing to show where parking lot entrance is, cost of $300. for 2x 3 ft yellow reflective sign. Motion: McDonell and support by Alward to ask Township board to move forward to purchase sign for park.Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
    b. Park tour: Patrick will email for times to meet.
    c. Zoning Manual: Definition pg 13 and 20 Lakefront front vs rear yard. Remove last sentence of Lot Waterfront: Page 13
    i. Yard, front roads and waterfront: MTA designates any way the public can get to the property is a right of way. One is a road front, and one is a waterfront.
    ii. Page 20: change to:Yard front and water fronts are both defined as front yards or setbacks from the road right of way line and High water mark of water bodies.
    iii. MOTION:Motion: Toth and supported by McDonell to accept changes to page 13 and 20. Roll Call vote: Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
  13. General Discussion and Public Comments:
    a. Request to have parks and rec to put on Balloonfest the weekend after Labor Day. This board does not feel it is cost effective and with the lack of volunteers would be difficult to put on.
    b. Seawall: if putting in a new sea wall who designates where that seawall goes? Permits are required through Egle. They will give permit and designate where it goes.

Motion byHouthoofd, second by McDonell to adjourn 7:45Motion carried by voice, all ayes.

Minutes submitted by Cheryl McDonell

Elected Officials

Supervisor –  Fred Lewis
Clerk –  Sue Reilly
Treasurer – Roma J. Bassi
Trustee – Rick Morel
Trustee – Kim Kocher

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