Plainfield Township Historical Commission Minutes June 15th2021 Meeting called to order at: 535 pm by Gene Nash Attendees: Gene Nash, Diane Blevins, Bernie Nuttal, Rona Dane Sullivan, Kim Kocher, Amy Alberts, Jerry Hewitt, Jim Kesler
Introductions: Motion to approve agenda: Motion by Hewitt ,Blevins Second Motion to approve minutes from: May 18th 2021 Motion by Blevins ,Second by Hewitt
Secretary report: No report at this time
Treasurer report: Financial status observed .items discussed for purchase before end of fiscal year photo paper, printer ink..
Motion to approve bills:no bills to approve
Curator’s report :New items coming in from Pat Blust Camp Maqua
Old Business: Desks and chair arrived and in use First reading of changes to bylaws
New Business: Second reading of bylaw ,Motion to approve Alberts Second Nuttal Motion Approved ,with Hewitt one nay
Next Meeting date: July 20th 2021
Motion to adjourn: Hewitt second Kesler Submitted by Jim Kesler Acting Secretary