Minutes of Plainfield Township Planning Commission
Regular meeting January 13, 2021 Called to order by Chair Olmstead at 7:01p.m. via Zoom
Pledge of allegiance was said by all present.
Roll Call:
Present: Toth, Olmstead, Houthoofd, Ready, Alward, Szafran, McDonell
Absent: Johnson
Note: Ready attending as guest.
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Olmstead, seconded by McDonell to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Houthoofd, seconded by McDonell to approve the October 14, 2020 minutes. Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
New Business: Potential firearm manufacturer on Wilson Creek Rd.
Discussion about revisiting and reviewing the business next January to reevaluate how many guns are manufactured and how much retail space is used for manufacturing and reloading.
Motion by Alward, seconded by Houthoofd to approve new business. Motion carried by show of hands.
Old Business:
Sign Committee: tabled till February meeting
Public views and comments:
Ready reminded Commission that the master plan is 5 years old and will need to be reviewed at the next meeting for updates.
- Meeting adjourned 7:15 Alward/ McDonell
Minutes submitted by Cheryl McDonell