Minutes of Plainfield Township Planning and Parks and Recreation Commission
Regular meeting
September 11, 2024
- Called to order by Olmstead at 6:30p.m.
- Pledge of allegiance was said by all present.
- Roll Call:
- Present: McDonell, Toth,Houthoofd, Olmstead, Alward, Heal
- Absent: Johnson
- Guest: Patrick Ready, Zoning Administrator; 3 members of community
- Approval of Agenda:
- Motion by McDonell,seconded by HealMotion carried byvoice, all ayes.
- Approval of Minutes: Motion by Toth, seconded byHouthoofdto approve theJuly 10, 2024minutes. With correction that Heal was not at meetingMotion carried by voice, all ayes.
- Township board report:Houthoofd :Replace fire truck, accepted NEMCOG grant, battery powered Jaws of Life was purchased. Waiting for guy to install gate.
- ZBA Report: Toth: Met twice for same case, Campbell Road. Tear down house and rebuild. Platted road goes through property. Cannot have permission to build on road. Returned with smaller footprint granted variance to build.
- Community comments or questions:
- Fred Boynton: measured property, 95 feet of frontage is being used for docks, not on road right of way, using township property. Park is 210 feet. Complaint is with jet skis. He cannot enjoy the lake because of problem with township property. Recommend that the Township Board investigate the issue. The marina is on township property, and he wants jet skis regulated. Steps are on road commission property and dock on township property.
- Boat Launch on Loon Lake: there is a tube 5 ft tube that needs to be cleared out. He used to clean out and it needs to be cleaned out so can flow, lake level is 2 foot high. Requestthat the culvert needs cleaned out.
- New Business:
- 4973 N Main Street: Commercial Assembly Hall parking lot. The old arcade: Capacity is 96: 32 spaces with 2 handicap accessible. 1 men and 1 women’s restroom. Drew out 34 spaces. Motion by Houthoofd, seconded by Heal to approve thesite plan for the parking needs. Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
- Old Business:
- 3800 Binder Road Campground update: Needs to complete change of use but Egle permit came in mail. Still progressing along.
- Enclosed storage building minimum lot size, no well or septic. Request to divide but commercial is limit of 150 wide.
- NEMCOG zoning manual update: request more zoning maps: would like digital copy for Board and Zoning along with hard copy. Recommend to Board to accept contract.
- Junior member: Board agrees that there should be a student but without the $500 scholarship. Not approved. Would need to submit request again.
- General Discussion and Public Comments:
- Dollar General: starting late fall
- School board would like drawing for trail to go from firehall to Eagle Pointe. Request a drawing from Fred to outline where trail would go.
- School putting in a press box, will they need prints? Yes that is a state building requirement.
- Motion byHouthoofd, second by Olmsteadto adjourn 7:15Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
Minutes submitted by Cheryl McDonell
Approved: Date________________ _____________________________