Called to order at 5:30 Rona
Introductions: None
Approve Agenda: Rona / Amy
Approve Previous Meeting Minutes: Rona / Margy
Board Members:
Rona Dane Sullivan Chair Present
Margy Holzheuer Vice Chair Present
Jim Kesler Curator Present
Bernie Nuttall Secretary Present
Amy Alberts(remote) Treasurer Present
Members at large:
Earline Robinson, Lil Gill, Jim Wyckoff, Bill Morton, Bruce Thayer
Treasure’s Report: Expense Program Flyers $10.50, Sodney Photo, $8.75, Laminate material $40 all Approved.
Curator Work Activity: Donation from Bob Kathy Alward of 2 hats, jacket mid 1800s
Old Business
Storage cabinets arrived and assembled Thank You Tait. Clean up of office books make room for cabinets maybe a Saturday.
Jerry McDonell presentation August 23 6:00
New Business
Ideas for next year’s programs
Rosie the Riveter May 2025 Library paying we do drinks and snacks.
Civil War program April(?) do search of ancestors who were in the civil war from the area.
Visit some local museums
We have Jean Bells Book Contents electronically
Metal Detecting
Find Vendor for wood picture frame, Margy will check with Bain Lumber
Next Meeting – September 17 at 5:30 PM
Adjournment: 6:25 Bernie/Margy