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Planning & Parks Minutes June 12, 2024

Minutes of Plainfield Township Planning and Parks and Recreation Commission

Regular meeting

June 12, 2024

  1. Called to order by Olmstead at 6:30p.m.
  2. Pledge of allegiance was said by all present.
  3. Roll Call:
    1. Present:  McDonell, Toth,Houthoofd,Heal, Johnson, Olmstead, Alward
    1. Absent: Heal
  4. Guest: 
  5. Approval of Agenda:
    1. Motion by McDonell,seconded by HouthoofdMotion carried byvoice, all ayes.
  6. Approval of Minutes:  Motion by Toth, seconded byHouthoofdto approve theMay 8, 2024 minutes.  Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
  7. Township board report: Houthoofd : Annual audit is in July.  County recycling is dead, Township is not paying.  Gate has been started.  Pavilion started at Plainfield Park
  8. ZBA Report: Toth: No meeting
  9. Community comments or questions:
    1. Londo Lake complained to County Parks and Rec about not being listened to. Plainfield told them they could put up but with engineered plans and three sets of bids.
    1. Loon Lake DNR launch sign is down
    1. Saturday Market:  vs. Hall rental:  vendors had to move to accommodate the hall rental.  More parking is going to be moved to front of the hall.  7 vendors the first week, 5 the next and 6 vendors last week
  10. New Business: 
    1. Binder Road Campground special use discussion.  40 acres in National Forest.  Will go to Health Department first then bring site plan to us.
    1. Student member 2023-2024 payment amount recommendation for the twp board.  Olmstead and supported by Toth made motion to pay $200 for this past years student Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
    1. Send notice to Hale Area Schools to ask for a 2024-2025 junior member.  Paul will bring up at school board meeting. 
    1. Sand delivered to beaches except for Long Lake as it was too wet
    1. June 15th Boat Wash at Long Lake – come help. 
    1. Denise Cline from NEMCOG contacted to rewrite the zoning manual.  Project for after November.  Do small chunks at a time.  Create charts for better understanding. 
  11. Old Business:
    1. West Londo Fishing Dock: request more bids
    1. Parks Catalogs:  Purchase a couple cement culverts- cheap and kids like simple.  Get two sections- 
    1. School Path:  school board is for the trail.  Request bids for crushed limestone and paved.  Fred’s original idea to use the straight trail that is already there and not use the drainage ditch and needing a bridge.  Also adding lights for winter walkers.  Have a gated turnstile to keep motorized vehicles off. 
    1. Minimum sq/ft:  Health Department goes by how many people can sleep there.  Doesn’t matter sq/ft.  Adding a bedroom will require another septic permit.  Can order a 750 gallon tank.  Most companies don’t make less than 1000 gallon.  Looking at affordable housing. 
  12. General Discussion and Public Comments: 
    1. Letter complaining about bidding process.  Township Board always uses three bid process. 
  13. Motion byOlmstead, second by Alwardto adjourn 7:30Motion carried by voice, all ayes.

Minutes submitted by Cheryl McDonell Approved: Date_________________                                 ________

Elected Officials

Supervisor –  Fred Lewis
Clerk –  Sue Reilly
Treasurer – Roma J. Bassi
Trustee – Rick Morel
Trustee – Kim Kocher

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