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Planning & Parks Minutes April 10, 2024

Minutes of Plainfield Township Planning and Parks and Recreation Commission

Regular meeting

April 10, 2024, 2024

  1. Called to order by McDonellat 6:30p.m.
  2. Pledge of allegiance was said by all present.
  3. Roll Call:
    1. Present:  McDonell, Toth,Houthoofd, Alward, Heal, Johnson
    1. Absent: Olmstead
  4. Guest:  Patrick Ready- Building Dept, Fred Lewis, Supervisor
  5. Approval of Agenda:
    1. Motion by Toth,seconded by Houthoofd Motion carried byvoice, all ayes.
  6. Approval of Minutes:  Motion by Alward, seconded byHouthoofdto approve theFebruary 22, 2024 minutes.  Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
  7. Township board report: Houthoofd : gate system for trash system, putting in driveway so someone without a pass can leave.  Budget was approved.  Road work approved
  8. ZBA Report: Toth: Meeting to review variance request.  Lots need to be adjusted to fit since there was no practical difficulty.  Walked property and it is a very wet piece of property.  They will need to redesign to bring back to Planning Commission
  9. Community comments or questions:  no comments
  10. New Business: 
    1. Dollar General #2 Plan review:  concern addressed about safety on that part of the hi-way.Dependent on MDOT
    1. Complaint from neighbors on other Dollar General people are disturbing their dog.  First Dollar General is already for sale. 
    1. Parks and Rec Spring Break walk.  17 kids came to do the park walk. 
    1. Parks spring work:  Kokosing dropped stone at launch, trimming trees, porta potty all out. 
    1. Fred met with School Board to see if the path can be completed.  MRTF Grant, must own the land.  School Board wont release land.  Cooperative agreement.  Bridge across creek was the largest expense.  Matt Krawczak with ELS,  $200,000 for mile.  Road commission has culvert.  All public space, Township and the School are keepers of the land and need to work together. 
    1. Loon Lake park, picnic tables on hill so they have been moved closer to road,  put pad of stone to put picnic tables on.  Tate is replacing boards on walking trail to Mud Lake.  Fixed the door on bathroom.  Graffiti has been removed
    1. Kokosing parking lot is getting a culvert and cover to walking trail. 
    1. Chain lake park, cut down trees and added sand
    1. Bid documents on Pavilion went out today in paper.  Power is going underground. 
    1. June 15 Boat wash at Long Lake 10 – 4, MSU
  11. Old Business:
    1. Peterson Lake Garage condo unit:  they will need to correct the plan and bring back to Planning.  PUD:  will need master deed for size and location.  That way not everyone would need to come to planning for each lot to build.  Would need to go through Land Division Act will not have enough splits. 
    1. Zoning manual revisions/on going:  Patrick is working on. May meetingfor
    1. Park tour/ twp tour:  Patrick will schedule for next Monday at 0930
    1. Michigan Land Bank:  Invoice:
  12. General Discussion and Public Comments: 
    1. Questions about budget for new playground equipment.  Find equipment and send link to Fred and the board.  Fred ordered 2 new caterpillars.  Parks and rec need to decide what other equipment is needed.  Large unit or single unit like pogo stick.  $15000 exercise equipment has arrived.  In hallway and will be replaced shortly. 
    1. Londo lake is still asking for playground equipment and pavilion.  Individual parks do not receive equipment as cannot maintain.  What is feasibility to get a fishing dock.  May be too shallow.  Would need to be able to remove.  May be used more if we could add to the park. 
    1. DTE called and asked if we had a solar ordinance and if we needed help revising. 
  1. Motion byAlward, second by McDonell to adjourn 7:30Motion carried by voice, all ayes.

Minutes submitted by Cheryl McDonell

Approved: Date_________________                                 _____________________________

Elected Officials

Supervisor –  Fred Lewis
Clerk –  Sue Reilly
Treasurer – Roma J. Bassi
Trustee – Rick Morel
Trustee – Kim Kocher

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