Minutes of Plainfield Township Planning and Parks and Recreation Commission
Regular meeting
February 22, 2024
- Called to order by Olmsteadat 6:30p.m.
- Pledge of allegiance was said by all present.
- Roll Call:
- Present: McDonell, Toth,Houthoofd, Alward, Olmstead, Johnson
- Absent: Heal
- Guest: Ready andfourmembersof the community, Junior member, Fred Lewis- Township Supervisor and Patrick Ready- Building Dept
- Approval of Agenda:
- Motion by Toth,seconded by Houthoofd Motion carried byvoice, all ayes.To adjust agenda to allow Curtis Road discussion to go first
- Approval of Minutes: Motion by Toth, seconded byMcDonell to approve theJanuary 24, 2024 minutes with the date corrected. Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
- Township board report: Houthoofd : Working on Budget and waste site gate
- ZBA Report: Toth: No meeting this month
- Community comments or questions: no comments
- New Business:
- Plan review for 6248 Curtis Road site plan review for Hairdos 4 Hounds. Motion by Toth,seconded by Olmstead to accept the site plan as presented contingent on the change of use and inspection. Motion carried by voice, all ayes.Zoned as AG- Insurance made to be drop off. Will need a change of zoning to switch to Commercial as the public will be coming to building. Plenty of parking, no other employees and no license is required from the state of Michigan.
- Plan review 5057 South Branch Road and Peterson Lake Garage condo units. Surveyor Jeremy Card and owner Brandon Thompson presented plan for garages or pole barns with no well or septic. Master Deed is required for the site condo units. Average size is 70 x 90 for individual units. Will need to go through the Health Department and DEQ approval. R3 and NSC zoning, zoning requires 70 x 100 minimum. NSC minimum 150ft. Because it is part of complex it could be considered all R3. Also need to consider 30% coverage rate on parcel. ZBA will need to look at the lot width changes. Language will need to be very precise on requirements of building in the Master Deed. IE: eaves and hangover or just parking trailers or storage of firewood. Lots were made small so not enough room to bring in junk. Association will run the by-laws and restrictions for the future. Consumers will be contacted to put in power. Road surface is going to be gravel. South area is still campground, no further expansion. Also question if someone purchased more lots and then someone else could rent out. Will address in Master Deed. Options: to change lots or go through ZBA
- Old Business:
- Zoning manual revisions/on going: Patrick is working on.
- Park tour/ twp tour: Patrick will schedule
- Michigan Land Bank: Pepsi Lee’s property is completed. Excavator at Masonic Temple.
- General Discussion and Public Comments:
- Long Lake Beach: Still is owned by DNR. They would like to return to our control. We are out of the lease in the next two years. Would like to look for grants to cover new bathroom. Need park tour to make list of repairs needed to review at the next meeting and then can be presented to the board in March.
- Petition out for reversal of the solar and wind power restrictions. Fred will forward the information. New Legislation states that the planning commission does not approve then would go to Public Service Commission and we would not have control. Control goes to state and out of the township.
- Ranger Lake: still working on plan. Ag in back and low density on road. Houses will be put on road. No need to put in a 66ft road.
- Motion byHouthoofd, second by McDonell to adjourn 7:30Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
Minutes submitted by Cheryl McDonell
Approved: Date_________________ _____________________________
Approved: Date_________________