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Planning and P & R Commission December 13, 2023

Minutes of Plainfield Township Planning and Parks and Recreation Commission

Regular meeting December 13, 2023

  1. Called to order by Olmsteadat 6:30p.m.
  2. Pledge of allegiance was said by all present.
  3. Roll Call:

a. Present: McDonell, Toth,Houthoofd, Alward, Olmstead, Heal, Johnson

b. Absent: none

  1. Guest: Ready and twomembersof the community
  2. Approval of Agenda:

a. Motion by Toth,seconded by McDonellMotion carried byvoice, all ayes.

  1. Approval of Minutes: Motion by Toth, seconded byMcDonell to approve theOctober 11, 23 minutes with the date corrected. Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
  2. Township board report: Houthoofd : New guy at Dump, new dump cards were distributed with tax billS
  3. ZBA Report: Toth: No meeting; Set a meeting for January
  4. New Business:

a. Plan review for Curtis Road communication tower: On Curtis Road behind barns before Towerline Road: Plans did not come in. Suggested to ask for FHA approval because of the airport nearby.

b. Sunrise Auto Secondary use: New sign- no permits, or mechanics license. Patrick has sent letter to owner in Florida.

c. Pavilion grant county park and rec request: County Parks approved grant. Paul asked for site plans as commission was unaware of grant request.

d. MTA text amendment checklist/ design flow chart:Patrick presented MTA checklist to explain what steps need to be accomplished to prepare the Public hearing/meeting. Collect all information and approve in January meeting. Patrick will have a checklist for process

e. Min. requirements for certificate of occupancy: Building inspector checks all safety and setbacks for township. State BOCA code stated 720 sq/ft. Crawford County has townships that allow 580sq/ft using minimum room sizes as a basis for their decision. For certain areas and specific township only. How can we meet the demand for housing and costs? Do some research as to what should be the minimum? Maybe allow small hunting cabins in forest zone or downtown.Hard to get Amish sheds to convert to code especially for energy code, plumbing and heating.

f. Regretfully accept resignation from Cheryl McDonellas Farm Market Manager.Motion byHouthoofd, second by Olmstead

g. Assemble list of items to bring to Board

  1. Old Business:

a. Fence issues: Chain link fence andstockade fences create issues with fire fighting. With small lot lines if fences are allowed they will cause difficulties to put out fire. Word of Caution. Setbacks are set for fire code.

b. Park and Township tour: Sand Lake area has a lot of building in the area.

c. Michigan Land Bank: Homes are being torn down. One being replaced on Jose Lake Trail

  1. General Discussion and Public Comments:

a. Accessory buildings. What is 30 percent rule? Everything on lot being used cannot cover more that 30 percent of land. Advised to get survey and it will show where road right of way is. Concern with where front yard is and where he can build. Garage cannot be higher than home if detached.

b. Question if campground can be used as storage condo unit. No information at this time will have to wait for site plan

Motion byHouthoofd, second by McDonell to adjourn 7:42Motion carried by voice, all ayes.

Minutes submitted by Cheryl McDonell

Approved: Date_________________ _________________

Elected Officials

Supervisor –  Fred Lewis
Clerk –  Sue Reilly
Treasurer – Roma J. Bassi
Trustee – Rick Morel
Trustee – Kim Kocher

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