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September 20, Meeting Minutes

Regular Board Meeting
Plainfield Township
Eagle Pointe Plaza
September 20th, 2023

Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Lewis at 6:30 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present: Allen, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Absent: Bassi Guests: 6

Approval of Agenda: Motion by Houthoofd supported by Allen to accept Agenda as presented. All Ayes. Bassi absent. Motion carried.

Public Comment: 2 people commented

Board Comments: Reilly commented that the annual open house will be on October 25th, 2023.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Reilly supported by Houthoofd to approve the Minutes from Regular Meeting August 16th, 2023 and Special Meeting August 23rd, 2023. All Ayes. Bassi absent. Motion carried.

Financial Report: Presented by Lewis

Budget Report: Presented by Lewis

Presentation of Bills: Motion by Houthoofd supported by Allen to pay bills as presented. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Bassi absent. Nays: none. Motion carried.
GENERAL FUND: 57348-57398
FIRE FUND: 7177-7189
ROAD FUND: 1654 – 1655
LIBRARY FUND: 1837-1838
BUILDING: 2259-2267
WASTE SITE: 3613-3623
SEWER: 83062-83065
TAX ACCOUNT: 4415-4428
LITTLE LONG: 8421037
W LONDO LAKE: 8431041
LOON LAKE 8441047
LONG LAKE-8451063
JOSE LAKE:8471020

Project Updates: Lewis told Board that the Township received the $15,000.00 Fire Grant for Turnout Gear. Waste Site received a letter from EGLE that the Waste Site passed inspection. Scott Fante had the highest bid of $1660.99 for the purchase of the Suburban.

National Indian Heritage Month Proclamation: The board was asked by Margy Holzheuer to approve the Proclamation the proclaim November National Indian Heritage Month. The board agreed.

Tax Rate Request Approval 2023-2024: Motion by Lewis supported by Reilly to approve the Tax Rate Request for 2023-24. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Bassi absent. Nays: none. Motion carried.

Waste Site 2024 Assessment: Motion by Reilly supported by Houthoofd to keep the Waste Site 2024 Assessment at the current $85.00 per year. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Bassi absent. Nays: none. Motion carried.

Assessing Property Inspection Policy: Motion by Houthoofd supported by Allen to accept the Assessing Property Inspection Policy. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Bassi absent. Nays: none. Motion carried.

Approve agreement for Early Voting Joint/County-wide: Motion by Reilly supported by Houthoofd to approve the agreement for Early Voting Joint/County-wide. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Bassi absent. Nays: none. Motion carried.

Planning/Parks and Rec Committee: Motion by Lewis supported by Reilly to appoint Tria Coleman to the Planning/Parks and Rec Committee. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Bassi absent. Nays: none. Motion carried.

State Land Bank Contract: Motion by Lewis supported by Reilly to approve the contract with the State Land Bank for the Demolition Grant in the amount of $102783.00. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Bassi absent. Nays: none. Motion carried.

Approve Blight Demolition Contractor: Motion by Reilly supported by Allen to award the Blight Demolition Contract to Katterman Trucking/ELS Transport in the amount of $74000.00. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Bassi absent. Nays: none. Motion carried.

Committee-Department Reports:

Motion by Lewis to adjourn at 7:02 pm. All Ayes. Bassi Absent. Motion carried.

Sue Reilly, Plainfield Township Clerk

Elected Officials

Supervisor –  Fred Lewis
Clerk –  Sue Reilly
Treasurer – Roma J. Bassi
Trustee – Rick Morel
Trustee – Kim Kocher

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