Special Board Meeting
Plainfield Township
Eagle Pointe Plaza
August 2nd, 2023
6:30 pm
Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Lewis followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. 4 Guests
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Reilly supported by Houthoofd to accept agenda as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Public Comment: none
Board Comments: Allen talked to Hill Township and they use stickers in cars for their Waste Site and cards for large items. 5$ for tires. Their yearly charge is $90.00.
Lewis said Mark Ferguson from TCA Insurance would like to meet with the board a ½ hr before our meeting on August 16th. The Board agreed.
Waste Site Discussion: Houthoofd presented paperwork on an arm that would go up when scanned with card at the entrance of the Waste Site. The board agreed and Lewis will get a quote. Reilly would like to see the entrance and exit gates to not be open until posted opening times and definitely not on days we are closed.
Meeting Day 2024-25 approval: Motion by Bassi supported by Bassi to approve 2024-25 Meeting Days with the exception of changing Novembers Meeting to November 9th, 2023 from November 15th, 2023. * See attached.
Motion by Lewis to adjorn at 7:09 pm.
Sue Reilly, Plainfield Township Clerk