Regular Meeting Plainfield Township Eagle Pointe Plaza
Wednesday, February 15th, 2023
6:30 pm
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Supervisor Lewis followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly, Guests: 5
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Houthoofd supported by Allen to accept Agenda with additions. All Ayes. Motion carried.
10.- Information/Discussion items
f) MNRTF Discussion
11- Old Business
d) Waste Card Removal
Public Comments: none
Board Comments: Bassi commented that she is at 122 fitness room passes purchased. This is the most so far since opening. Lewis mentioned that Fork Lift Bids are due next week on the Waste Site Fork Lift that we are selling. Lewis also showed the Board some new ideas for the Street Lights. Board all agreed on the LED Vintage Post Top Street Light Lantern. Lewis will order just one to make sure we are happy the way it looks.
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Allen supported by Houthoofd to approve the Minutes for Regular Meeting January 18th, 2023 and Special Meeting on February1st, 2023 which is approved with corrections. . Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Financial Report: Presented by Bassi.
Presentation of Bills: Motion by Allen supported by Houthoofd to pay bills as presented, along with 2 new, Polly Products and Anchorhead Agency. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
GENERAL FUND: 56891 and 56935 – 56944
FIRE FUND: 7064 – 7081
LIBRARY FUND: 1814 – 1818
BUILDING: 82203 – 82212
SEWER: 30260-3031
WASTE SITE: 3563571
TAX ACCOUNT 4373-4388
BASS: 8411026
LONG LAKE 8451058
2023 and 2024 Budget Discussion and Budget Report: Lewis asked if there were any questions on the Proposed Budget. Will bring new Budget to next meeting for approval.
2023 Roadwork: Lewis brought 2023 Roadwork estimates to board. He will finalize and bring back to board for final approval.
Tax Allocation Election in May: Lewis explained what the county is asking for in Mays Election.
Land Division Responsibility: Lewis has been talking to Allen about Land division responsibilities. Line adjustments are to be approved by the Township Board. Lewis suggests setting up an ordinance that the Planning Commission pick up this responsibility. He will talk to the Planning Commssion about this
2023 Wage Resolutions for Elected Officials.
Motion by Allen supported by Houthoofd to accept the Resolution for the 2023 Salary of the Township Supervisor to be $37,500.00 base plus $1825.00 additional duties totaling $39,325.00.
Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Houthoofd supported by Allen to accept the Resolution for the 2023 Salary of the Township Treasuer to be $37,500.00. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Bassi supported by Allen to accept the Resolution for the 2023 Salary of the Township Clerk to be $37,500.00. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Lewis supported by Bassi to accept the Resolution for the 2023 Salary of the Township Trustees to be $5750.00. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Gym Roof Replacement: Motion by Allen supported by Bassi to have Universal Roofing replace Gym Roof in the amount of $46,590.00 to be paid out of the ARPA Funds. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
New Treadmill: Motion by Bassi supported by Reilly to purchase a new Treadmill from Promaxima in the amount of $4130.00 to be paid for by ARPA Funds. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Waste Site Card Removal: Motion by Bassi supported by Lewis to remove Parcel# 073-T40-002-043-00 from the Waste Card Roll. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Downtown Flower Pots: No word from MDOT yet on the additional Benches. Motion by Allen supported by Reilly to order 9 Flower Pots for the Benches already there. If MDOT approves the additional benches than we will order 12 total for the approximate price of $5000.00 to be paid for with ARPA Funds. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Resource Center Carpet: Motion by Bassi supported by Houthoofd to approve up to $5200.00 for the replacement of the carpet in the Meeting Room at the Resource Center and the ICOA Offices along with the hallways, to be paid for with ARPA Funds. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Fitness Center Wall Mirrors: Motion by Allen supported by Reilly to approve a purchase of Wall Mirrors for the Fitness Room North wall in the amount of $2500.00 to be paid for with ARPA Funds. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
New Fire Dept Hires: Motion by Houthoofd supported by Allen to hire Derek Hopkins and Ryan Fowler to the Fire Department. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Committee/ Department Reports: Fire Department has received their quad and that and the gator fit perfectly in the fire trailer. Rob View has received approval that he can certify a rig from an BLS to an ALS Support Rig. He is a Certified Paramedic.
Motion by Bassi supported by Allen that the Captain of the MFR, Rob View should receive $80 instead of $40 when assisting goes from a BLS to an ALS transfer upon Central Dispatch Confirmation. He will provide us with proof of certification. . Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Bassi to adjourn at 7;50p.m. All ayes. Motion carried.
Sue Reilly, Plainfield Township Clerk