Regular Board Meeting
Plainfield Township
Eagle Pointe Plaza
Wednesday December 21, 2022
Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Lewis at 6:30 followed by the Pledge of
Present: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Guests: 3
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Houthoofd supported by Bassi to approve the Agenda with additions. New Business, c) Resignation of Patrick Ready as Assistant Fire Chief.
Public Comment: none
Board Comments: Lewis commented that Pat Ready has met with the County-Michigan Land Bank about Blight Money. Request from Veterans-Banner Project. They will take care of purchasing the banners we will just need to put them on town poles for them. Garden Club met with Arbonist-the trees in town are not dying just keep them pruned. Bassi asked about the handicap door at main entrance and getting one for West Entrance. Lewis let us know that Fred Jenette is to be replacing Frank Leiva for Road Commissioner. Lewis commented that Consumers is doing a study on the impact of closing the dams.
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Bassi supported by Houthoofd to approve Minutes from Regular Meeting, November 16th, 2022 and December 5th, 2022 Special Meeting. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Financial Report: Presented by Bassi.
Budget Report: Presented by Lewis- Sparks Grant went in on Monday, December 19th, 2022. Rowe to be paid by ARPA funds.
Presentation of Bills: Motion by Houthoofd supported by Allen to pay the bills as presented. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none
Motion carried.
GENERAL FUND: 56825-56889 and 56818 and online payment of .01 to Wex Bank
FIRE FUND: 7034-7049
LIBRARY FUND: 1809-1811
BUILDING: 82193-82197
SEWER: 3017-3023
WASTE SITE: 3546-3559
TAX ACCOUNT 4347-4357 and 9004333and 4344
LITTLE LONG: 8421032
W LONDO LAKE: 8431037
LOON LAKE 8441042
LONG LAKE 8451056
JOSE LAKE: 8471019
Gypsy Moth Report: As of right now the board feels there will be no need for a 3rd spraying.
Long Lake Path Abandonment Suit: Lewis will keep board informed of this.
Resource Center Sign: We will revisit later after we find out if Commision on Ageing will be adding another office.
Sparks Grant Submission: Has been submitted.
RLS Conract Renewal-Long Lake Consultant: Motion by Allen supported by Reilly to approve the RLS Contract Renewal. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none
Motion carried. Roger Houthoofd will also be the new Contact for Long Lake.
Reappoint Board of Review Members-Two year Appt: Motion by Bassi supported by Allen to reappoint the following Board of Review Members: Rob Streeter, Jim Szafran, and Margy Holzheuer. Alternates will be Jill Hunt and Jordan Barclay. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none
Motion carried.
Approve Poverty Exemption Resolution: Motion by Bassi supported by Houthoofd to approve Poverty Exemption Resolution. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none
Motion carried.
Parks and Rec -5 year Plan Approval: Motion by Reilly supported by Lewis to approve the Parks and Rec 5 year plan. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none
Motion carried.
Removel of Parcel from Waste Roll: Motion by Lewis supported by Allen to remove Parcel # 073-L10-000-014-00 from the Waste Roll due to struction being demoed. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none
Motion carried.
Resignation of Pat Ready as Assistant Fire Chief: Motin by Houthoofd supported by Bassi to accept Resignation of Pat Ready as Assistant Fire Chief. He will continue to serve on the Fire Department and still will be doing MFR duties periodically. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none
Motion carried.
Committee-Department Reports: Historical got some theater seats from the Masonic Temple. Building permits 392 this year down from previous years.
Motion by Bassi to adjourn at 7:40 pm.
Sue Reilly, Plainfield Township Clerk