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Hale, MI 48739
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November 16, 2022 Minutes

Regular Meeting Plainfield Township
Eagle Pointe Plaza Wednesday November 16th, 2022 6:30 pm.

Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Supervisor Lewis followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present: Bassi, Lewis and Reilly Absent: Allen and Houthoofd Guests: 2

Approval of Agenda: Motion by Bassi supported by Reilly to approve Agenda as presented.

Public Comments: none

Board Comments: none

Minutes from November 19th, regular meeting: Motion by Lewis supported by Bassi to approve minutes from Regular Meeting November 19th, 2022. All Ayes. Allen and Houthoofd absent. Motion approved.

Financial Report: Presented by Bassi

Budget Report: Presented by Lewis

Presentation of Bills: Motion by Lewis supported by Bassi to approve bills as presented. Motion carried Roll call vote: Ayes: Bassi , Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Allen and Houthoofd absent. .

GENERAL FUND: 56762-56824

FIRE FUND: 7020-7033

ROAD FUND: 1645-1647


LIBRARY FUND: 1807-1808

BUILDING: 82188-82192

SEWER: 3015-3016

WASTE SITE: 3539-3546

TAX ACCOUNT 4343-4346


W LONDO LAKE: 8431036

LOON LAKE 8441041



BASS: 8411024




Rec Plan Update and guideline: 30 day review. Public Meeting posted. Meeting will be on December 14th, 2022 at 6:30 pm.

State Police Update: Final amendment signed.

New Playground Signs: Part of the Crawford County Early Childhood Program. Reilly will send Thank you note.

Update on Arpa Projects: Roof is done at 65 Hall. Chimney needs to come down. Tim Wade will do the job.

Info on Insurance/ISO Meeting: Tawas Tri-County Agency and Tawas Assistant Fire Chief been working with Pat Ready to get lower rates for Lower insurance for Fire Department.

Sparks Grant Application: Motion by Bassi supported by Reilly to propose to match up to 100,000.00 to this grant.

Assessor Contract Renewal with 5% increase: Motion by Reilly supported by Bassi to approve Berg Assessing Contract for 2023 with 5% increase. Roll call vote: Ayes: Bassi , Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Allen and Houthoofd absent. Motion Carried.

Motion by Bassi to adjourned at 6:57 pm. All ayes. Motion carried.

Sue Reilly, Plainfield Township Clerk

Elected Officials

Supervisor –  Fred Lewis
Clerk –  Sue Reilly
Treasurer – Roma J. Bassi
Trustee – Rick Morel
Trustee – Kim Kocher

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