Minutes of Plainfield Township Planning Commission
Regular meeting April 13, 2022
- Called to order by Olmstead at 6:30p.m.
- Pledge of allegiance was said by all present.
- Roll Call:
- Present: McDonell, Johnson, Houthoofd, Alward, Toth, Olmstead
- Absent: Barclay
- Note: Patrick Ready, Roma Bassi and Gloria Brooksguests.
- Approval of Agenda: Motion by McDonell, seconded by Toth to approve the agenda as Amended. Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
- Approval of Minutes: Motion by Johnson, seconded by Houthoofd to approve the March 9, 2022 minutes. Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
- Township board report:Houthoofd– Budget has been approved, Changed the fiscal year to 1 April. Dump will have concrete pads updated, will have to close dump or limit services for a few days
- ZBA Report: only one issue with a 40ft lot owner trying to put in a 25ft addition, expecting more issues as weather warms up
- New Business:
- Gloria Brooks from Michigan Meatball Company and Develop Iosco introduced herself and explained what the goals for DI are: Housing, Business Development, and Jobs.
- Roma Bassi discussed Eagle Pointe Plaza and the availability to move tenants to better use space. Motionby Alward, seconded by McDonell to offer to JT Associates to move to old Assessors Office then offer State Police both adjoining rooms on west side of building. Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
Roma also discussed moving the 4H storage to the band room office and allowing the Salon to use that space for a tanning bed. Concern was expressed for the roof on both the Resource building and Eagle Pointe. They are also getting bids for the boiler system.
- Patrick discussed that three porta potties will be stationed at the Township Playground, Loon Lake Putnam, and Kokosing at the bike path parking lot. The consensus was that the potty should be out at the playground until 1 November to accommodate the trunk or treat activities and not to be put near the building or the Farmers Market.
DNR has not signed off the Long Lake Park, discussion about the DNR bathrooms and how those bathrooms will need to be addressed soon. Women’s bathroom door is broken at Loon Lake Nature trail.
- School Board rejected the proposal to build a trail between the Resource Center and Eagle Pointe Plaza. The School Board does not want to give the property to the township as they may want to do something with the property in the future.
- Old Business:
- July 2, Planning has not begun on the Fireman’s BBQ etc.
- Master and Parks and Recreation 5 year plan timelines were received from Spicer. Board is concerned with large increase in price and that our concerns with the sign ordinance and grant writing were not addressed by township board
- General Discussion and Public Comments:
- Streeter is taking over Family Dollar building and house next door. Recommendation to write letter to Streeters that- Retail store to retail store is no change in zoning, however if any other use will have to come to the planning board as there is a downtown overlay district that will need to be addressed.
- Bobs Auto Parts is putting in new sign, referred to MDOT
- Rumor that Dollar General is planning on building on Rose City Road by Long Lake Bar
- Alwards is remodeling
- Concern with Rogers and the U-Haul business- Patrick will write a letter.
Motion by Houthoofd, second by Toth to adjourn8:30Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
Minutes submitted by Cheryl McDonell