Minutes of Plainfield Township Planning Commission
Regular meeting December 8, 2021
- Called to order by Chair Olmstead at 6:32p.m.
- Pledge of allegiance was said by all present.
- Roll Call:
- Present: Toth, Olmstead, McDonell, Alward,Houthoofd, Johnson
- Absent: Szafran
- Note: Ready is attending as guest.
- Approval of Agenda: Motion by Houthoofd, seconded by McDonell to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
- Approval of Minutes: Motion by McDonell, seconded by Alward to approve the October 13, 2021 minutes. Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
- Township board report: Houthoofd – New LED lights, no problems with no private road agreements for snow removal
- ZBA Report from Toth – no meeting
- New Business:
- Park area between fire hall and resource center/ walking path:
- Recommendation to Board to purchase property along south side of ball fields for walking path that is wide enough for truck to plow
- Create physical fitness path along trail
- Move playground equipment behind resource center by licensed and insured contractor
- Build pavilion between resource center and the fire hall utilizing existing footing. To include bathrooms and grill area.
- Discussion regarding fund raising as Parks and Rec, may consider creating Friends of the Parks and Rec
- Szafran sent in letter of resignation
- Status of parks: most closed up for season, concern with Long Lake bathrooms, ask DNR to replace with block structure
- Waiting for update from Spicer
- Ongoing discussion regarding Sign Ordinance
- Park area between fire hall and resource center/ walking path:
- General Discussion and Public Comments: Cheryl asked if letter can be given to those who rent resource center during summer explaining Farm Market usage
Motion by Alward, second by Olmstead to adjourn8:00Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
Minutes submitted by Cheryl McDonell