Regular Board Meeting Plainfield Township
Plainfield Township Eagle Pointe Plaza Wednesday, October 20th, 2021 6:30 PM
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Supervisor Lewis followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Allen: Absent. Guests: 13
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Bassi supported by Houthoofd to approve the Agenda as presented with the following changes. Meeting minutes from Special Meetings September 22nd and October 18th needed to be added to approved minutes. All Ayes. Allen Absent. Motion carried.
Public Comment: Many private road residents asked questions. Don Taube asked if he got a quote for his road, Greenwood, in a timely matter could the possibility of putting Greenwood on the SAD be possible. If Assessor agreed then it would then be brought before the board for a final approval.
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Reilly supported by Bassi to accept the Regular Meeting Minutes from September 15th, 2021, Special Meeting Minutes from September 22nd, September 29th, and October 18th (Long Lake SAD). Roll call vote: Ayes: Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Allen Absent. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Financial Report: Presented by Bassi.
Budget Report: Presented by Lewis.
Presentation of Bills: Motion by Houthoofd supported by Bassi to accept and pay bills as presented. Bills are dated the September 19th, but did not get sent out until September 21st. Roll call vote: Ayes: Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Allen Absent. Nays: none. Motion carried.
GENERAL FUND 56093 and 56102 – 56145
FIRE FUND 6826-6841
ROAD FUND: 1633-1635
LIBRARY: 1767-1771
BUILDING: 2109-2113
SEWER: 2950-2956
WASTE SITE: 3445-3453
TAX ACCOUNT: 4218-14229
LITTLE LONG:8421019-8421021
W LONDO LAKE:8431023-8431025
LOON LAKE 8441031-8441032
CHAIN LAKE:8461020
LONG LAKE 8451039-845-1041
BIG ISLAND LAKE: 8491012-8491013
ARPA Funds Update: Check should be in the mail this week
Entrance Canopy Update: Frame coming in Friday. The Metal is already here.
EPP wall addition updates: Colensco Building quote to be presented tonight
Approve GIS Contract with the county: Motion by Lewis supported by Houthoofd to approve
GIS Bill with the county. ). Roll call vote: Ayes: Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Allen Absent. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Approve Colensco Building Quote : Motion by Bassi supported by Reilly to accept Colensco Building quote for 5269.00 to put up walls for the two back rooms. ). Roll call vote: Ayes: Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Allen Absent. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Approve Fitness Center Bench Press: Motion by Reilly supported by Bassi to purchase a center bench press for 2089.00 plus shipping. ). Roll call vote: Ayes: Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Allen Absent. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Committee and Dept Reports: Historical Society is getting ready for open house.
Board Comments: Lewis told of the US Forest Service opening state land roads to ORVs. There is an online map available. Basi reminded everyone of the Open house on September 27th, from 6-8.
Motion by Lewis to adjourn at 7:52 pm. All Ayes. Motion carried
Sue Reilly, Planfield Township Clerk