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Planning Meeting 04-14-2021

Minutes of Plainfield Township Planning Commission
Regular meeting April 14, 2021

  1.  Called to order by Chair Olmstead at 7:00p.m.
  2. Pledge of allegiance was said by all present.
  3. Roll Call:
    1. Present:  Toth, Johnson, Olmstead, , McDonell, Szafran
    1. Absent:  Houthoofd, Alward
    1. Note:  Ready is attending as guest. 
  4. Approval of Agenda:  Motion by McDonell, seconded by Szafran to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried by voice, all ayes.
  5. Approval of Minutes:  Motion by Johnson, seconded by Toth to approve the March 10, 2021 minutes.  Motion carried by voice, all ayes. 
  6. New Business: 
    1. Discussion of Parks and Rec Board responsibilities
    1. Parks and Rec Plan emailed to everyone.  Review to have informed discussion next meeting
    1. Discussion regarding  Township Master Plan
    1. Motion by McDonell, seconded by Johnson to renew township master plan for next five years. Motion carried by voice, all ayes. 
  7. Old Business:
    1. Signs:  Have not received State of Michigan Sign Ordinance Book.  Szafran will re-type penalty section of Ordinance into beginning of Sign Ordinance section. Add road right of way picture to definitions.  Asked for clarification from Road Commission referencing signs in road right of ways.
  8. General discussion and public comments:
    1. Ready asked about usage of old Mays building and food truck renewals

Motion by McDonell, second by Toth to adjourn 8:22  Motion carried by voice, all ayes. 

Minutes submitted by Cheryl McDonell

Elected Officials

Supervisor –  Fred Lewis
Clerk –  Sue Reilly
Treasurer – Roma J. Bassi
Trustee – Rick Morel
Trustee – Kim Kocher

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