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July 21, 2020 Minutes

Plainfield Township Historical Commission Minutes July 21, 2020

Present: Amy Alberts, Rona Dane Sullivan, Bernie Nuttall, Margy Holzheuer, Jim Kesler, Diane Blevins and Jerry Hewitt. Absent: Barb Katterman
Meeting called to order at 5:33 PM by Vice Chairman, Rona Dane Sullivan
Motion to approve agenda by Amy Alberts second by Margy Holzheuer-approved Minutes from 10/15/2019 and minutes from 02/18/2020 presented. Minutes from 10/15/2019 and 02/18/2020 motion to approve as presented by Bernie Nuttall second Diane Blevins. Approved.
Treasurer Report by Amy Alberts. Question raised regarding two items under office supplies for $8.97 occurring in 7/16/2020. Diane Blevins will check into these items and inform the group of her findings at the next scheduled meeting.
Motion to approve treasurer report made by Bernie Nuttall second by Diane Blevins.
Curator Report: The museum had an estimated four visitors in the last two months. Work will continue on the Hale Area Schools photos. The museum continues to receive donations. Tom Wilson provided 14 boxes of items containing information from the 60 Lakes Club. Diane informed the group the museum received a very nice china cabinet.

Old Business: Items held by the Historical Commission still need moved from the basement and the closet at old Township Building to museum. No date was scheduled to do this. Discussion was held regarding obtaining a sign from the Forestry Department for the cemetery located on Thompson Farm.

New Business: The group held further discussion of how to develop a plan for a sign and fencing at the Thompson Cemetery. This plan will be presented to Fred Lewis, township supervisor, who will then present it to the Forestry Department. During the week of the Iosco County Fair the museum will be open on 07/28/2020 through 07/31/2020 from 10:00AM -3:00PM. Closed for lunch. Staffing will be provided by the following: Tuesday-Diane Blevins and Jim Kesler Wednesday-Jerry Hewitt and Jim Kesler Thursday-Rona Sullivan and Bernie Nuttall Friday-Rona Sullivan and Bernie Nuttall Based on the governor’s order visitors will be required to have a mask to enter the museum. If visitors do not have a mask one will be provided by the historical commission prior to those visitors entering. Diane Blevins requested anyone who may be available to help clean the antique area at the fair grounds to show up on Sunday, July 26th . Diane Blevins inquired if anyone knew of someone who could act as a judge for the antique entries at the fair. Gene Nash, Historical Commission Chair, performed this duty last year, but due to health issues is unable for 2020. No one was able to make a recommendation to take Gene’s place. Motion to adjourn at 6:07 PM by Amy Alberts and second by Rona Sullivan. Respectfully submitted by Margy Holzheuer, acting as secretary

Elected Officials

Supervisor –  Fred Lewis
Clerk –  Sue Reilly
Treasurer – Roma J. Bassi
Trustee – Rick Morel
Trustee – Kim Kocher

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