Plainfield Township Historical Commission Minutes April 20, 2021 Regular Meeting
Members present: Gene Nash-chairman, Rona Dane Sullivan-vice-chairman, Bernie Nuttall-curator, Amy Alberts-treasurer, Jim Kesler-member-at-large, Diane Blevins-member-at-large Absent: Jerry Hewitt-member-at-large & Barb Katterman-secretary Resigned: Margy Holzheuer-member-at-large
Meeting called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Gene Nash followed by introductions Motion to approve minutes from 20 October 2020 by Bernie Nuttall, second Diane Blevins; passed Motion to approve agenda by Diane Blevins, second Jim Kesler; passed Amy Alberts reported on financial status. Bernie Nuttall reported about ongoing work on Hale High School photos; Museum opened 6 April 2021
Old business: Gene Nash reported we received the PastPerfect software upgrade for a Network; Diane Blevins still working with Dave’s Computers to get all of our records on the township network; storage will be in the cloud. Motion by Gene Nash, second by Diane Blevins to spend about $300 per year for cloud storage to allow backup of all the digital museum records; passed. Motion by Jim Kesler, second Rona Dane Sullivan to purchase two desks for the office; passed
New business: Discussion about business cards and handouts for advertising. Motion by Bernie Nuttall, second Jim Kesler to purchase business cards for PTHC; passed Motion by Gene Nash, second by Diane Blevins to purchase advertising pencils; passed Discussion to update tri-folds Discussion concerning Bylaws and need to update. Motion by Bernie Nuttall, second Rona Dane Sullivan to form committee to update Bylaws; passed. Should be ready for next meeting.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, 18 May 2021 at 5:30 pm Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Submitted by Diane Blevins, Acting Secretary