Plainfield Township Regular Meeting Eagle Pointe Plaza and via zoom
Wednesday, March 17th, 2021
Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Lewis followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Guests: 1
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Bassi supported by Houthoofd to accept the agenda with the following additions: Adding #6 under Discussion Items, Road work for 2021and #1 under New Business EMR addition Alan Backus. All ayes. Motion carried.
Public Comment: none
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Allen supported by Houthoofd to approve the minutes from Regular Meeting, February 17th, 2021 and Special Meeting March 5th, 2021. All ayes. Motion carried.
Financial Report: Presented by Bassi
Budget Report: Presented by Lewis
Presentation of Bills: Motion by Houthoofd supported by Allen to pay bills as presented including Wilson Trucking for $2600.00, $2500 pavilion demo and $100 mini excavator-Check # 5548. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
General fund: 55802-55847
Fire Fund: 6748-6750
Gypsy Moth Fund:
Road Fund: 1624
Library: 1750-1751
Building: 2073-2078
Sewer: 2917-2922
Waste Site: 3394-3400
Tax Account: 4182-4187
MFR: New MFR Class being planned for Summer 2021
Township Email Database: Lewis said he has 600 so far in the database
Recovery Act: Presented by Lewis. The new Recovery Act has money set aside for municipalitys to help offset costs during the Pandemic. Half of this money will come in the next two months and the other half next year.
2021 Wage Increases: Last Year 2%
Road Work for 2021: Motion by Allen supported by Reilly to move forward with the following road work for 2011.
Putnam Rd-Overlay Curtis-Esmond for $67629.00
Putnam Rd-Overlay Webb-Hillsdale for $49819.00
Pine Street-Overlay Esmond to end of Pine for $19762.00
Lakeside Blvd-Overlay Long Lake Road to Magys Bay Rd for $50743.00
Lakeside Blvd-Overlay Magys Bay Rd to Kokosing for $50069.00
Total Cost $238002.00
. Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Cemetery Software: Motion by Reilly supported by Bassi to purchase a Cemetery Software Program from BS&A quoted at $7570.00 and an annual support charge of $615.00. . Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
FireTruck 552 Sales approval: Motion by Bassi supported by Houthoofd to approve sale of Firetruck 552 for the price of $124000.00 upon final approval of purchasing company. . Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
New Cadet and EMR: Motion by approve Keaton Ludwig as a Fire Department New Cadet and Alan Backus as EMR and Firefighter. . Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Gypsy Moth Application Area and Revolving Fund Approval: Motion by Bassi supported by Allen to approve the Gypsy Moth Spraying area and set up a SAD Revolving Fund with $15000.00. . Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
New Lawn Mower approval: Motion by Bassi supported by Reilly to approve the purchase of a new lawn mower for $9790.00. . Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Approval to add Parks and Recreation Duties and Responsibilities to the Planning Commission: Motion by Reilly supported by Houthoofd to add Parks and Recreation Duties and Responsibilites to the Planning Commission. . Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Committee Reports:
Fire Department: Ed asked board if they would consider using some of the money from the Sale of 552 to purchase 5 additional air packs for the Department. Board agreed to make a motion to do so: Motion by Lewis supported by Reilly to allow the Fire Department to purchase 5 addition air packs for the Department upon the sale of the truck. . Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Board Comments: Lewis asked the board to consider a purchase of a golf cart for duties around the township. Motion by Allen supported by Houthoofd to purchase a 2012 Golf Cart in the amount of up to $2495.00. . Roll call vote: Ayes: Allen, Bassi, Houthoofd, Lewis and Reilly. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Bassi to adjourn at 8:03 pm. All ayes: Motion carried.
Sue Reilly, Plainfield Township Clerk