9:00 A M to 4:00 PM
Monday – Friday

PO Box 247
415 E. Main Street
Hale, MI 48739
PHONE: (989) 728-2811
FAX: (989)218-3051

From our Office

Our goal is to provide you with easy convenient access to information regarding the process of your local government and usage of its services. Furthermore we are committed to treating everyone with dignity and respect. Be sure to check back here often for important information regarding your community.

Assessor site visits and photographs

Some of you have seen a representative from our assessor taking photographs of your buildings. These are required by the state to make sure that our assessing records are complete and accurate. By law we are required to visit and review 20% of the township parcels every year. Recently we purchased a new software and supporting hardware that allows our assessor to take the records to the field to review your property data for accuracy and completeness. In the past this data would be hand written and then transcribed onto the records in the office, sometimes resulting in errors to be corrected later. This process eliminates some of the error potential and provides more accuracy in our assessments. We want our records, your records, to be as accurate as possible so that your assessments reflect the appropriate value of your property. If you do not want the representative on your property that is totally okay. Just politely tell them that you would rather not have them on your property and they will just update the photos from the road and driveway without leaving the vehicle. Either way is fine and you are under no obligation to let them on your property outside of your open driveway. If you have a closed driveway, they will not enter the property at all and will note the date and time of the attempted visit with a photo of the closed gate for the files. If you have a closed driveway and would like your files/photos updated you can call our offices and set up an appointment at your convenience. If you have any questions about these visits feel free to ask the representative or call our offices and talk to our assessor or myself.

Fred Lewis -Supervisor

Elected Officials

Supervisor –  Fred Lewis
Clerk –  Sue Reilly
Treasurer – Roma J. Bassi
Trustee – Rick Morel
Trustee – Kim Kocher

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