At a special board meeting on July 22, 2020, after hearing the options for funding and treatment, the Board decided to move forward with the creation of a PA188 special assessment district for the study, planning and treatment of gypsy moths in Plainfield Township. The assessment district will include only residential parcels. It will not include agricultural, commercial or industrial parcels. The district will be established for three years initially and can be extended if necessary. The cost will be $40 per parcel in the first year and $30 per parcel in year 2 and 3. Those costs can be reduced by the Board if we find the initial treatments to be highly effective.
We will take the time between now and November to create the special assessment district. At our August meeting we will adopt a resolution to create the district by motion of the board; review and approve the treatment plan and estimates; identify/delineate the proposed district boundaries for public hearing approval; and schedule the two public hearings necessary to form the special assessment district. The first hearing will be scheduled for September 12, 2020 at 9:00 AM at the Plaza if allowed, and is to receive comments on and approve the district boundaries and included properties, approve the treatment plans and estimates and direct the creation of the assessment roll for the second public hearing. The second hearing will be scheduled for October 10, 2020 at 9:00 AM at the same location, and is to receive comments on and approve the December 2020 assessment roll for the treatment program next spring. Public comments both verbal and written will be heard and read before action is taken. Your attendance is not necessary for approval as the Board intends to create this SAD unless substantial opposition is encountered. The details for each public hearing will be sent to each parcel owner at least two weeks prior to the meeting and notices will be in the local paper at least twice prior to each meeting. Each meeting will also be held on ZOOM and the meeting id #’s will be on the mail notices and on our website.
During this time we will engage a consultant to perform a fall audit of the gypsy moth populations with the results being recommended treatment acreage and the associated spray blocks for treatment. We will then use this information to bid and contract for the treatment for next spring. We will use the winter months to complete this process and secure the necessary approvals. We will also prepare the treatment notices that have to be posted and sent out to our residents prior to the treatment.
If any of you would like to assist us in preparing the mailings necessary for this process please contact me at 989-728-2811 or 989-984-7073 or